Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Call now open

Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Call now open

The Engineering for Development (E4D) doctoral scholarships promote doctoral research for the benefit of underprivileged people in low-income countries. It awards two doctoral scholarships per year and promotes innovative projects that are directly relevant for improving the livelihoods of underprivileged people in low-income countries.
The grant sum is 175'000 CHF to cover the salary costs of the doctoral students for three years.
The E4D Programme is generously funded through the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development.
Eligible are candidates with the support of an ETH professor. Please find the application criteria and procedure below.

E4D Doctoral Scholarship Application 2018- Concept Note

Please note:

- High English proficiency level is necessary
- Maximum age: 40 years
- Excellent MSc Degree and high academic performance is necessary
- ONLY contact an ETH professor with a concrete project idea
- All ETH Departments are listed here
Send you concept note application to 

Deadline for Concept Note Submission is 15 October 2018.

Continuing Education Scholarship Programme

The Continuing Education Scholarship Programme will award four to eight scholarships annually to candidates from low-income countries in order to attend continuing education programmes at ETH Zurich (Master of Advanced Studies, MAS and Certificate of Advanced Studies, CAS). The programme will open in January 2019.

E4D Projects and fellows

On-going E4D projects

Kanika Dheman, Paediatric dehydration in South Africa

Rebecca Enesi, Sustainable cassava starch in Nigeria

Moritz Gold, Insect production from biowastes for animal feeds

Michelle Nay, Improved bean breeding in Colombia and East Africa

Gemma Pham, Point-of-care test for malaria diagnostics in Vietnam

Daniela Paganini, Iron-containing micronutrient powder for Kenya

Dorothee Spuhler, Sustainable sanitation planning in Nepal & Ethiopia

Barbara J Ward, Settling and dewatering of faecal sludge in Tanzania


Completed E4D projects

Shanker Barsila, Grazing systems with yak crossbreds in Nepal (2013)

Ima Zainuddin, Abiotic stress resistance in cassava in Indonesia (2015)

Alireza Javadian, Bamboo as reinforcement in structural concrete (2017)

Samuel Ndungu, Cowpea inoculation for improved yields in Kenya (2017)

Lindsay Howe, Cooperative development strategies in South Africa (2017)

Andrea Hagn, Urban poor communities in India (2018)

Christian Andres, Cocoa swollen shoot virus disease in Ghana (2018)


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