United States Carrington Youth Fellowship Initiative
The Carrington Youth Fellowship Initiative, CYFI, is a dynamic youth-based initiative launched in 2011 by the U.S. Consulate General, Lagos. CYFI brings together Nigerian youth of exceptional vision, skills and experience to design and implement projects that have a positive impact on Nigerian society. Former Ambassador to Nigeria, Walter Carrington, was a champion of civil liberties, democracy and closer ties between the U.S. and Nigeria. CYFI fellows are committed to putting the ideals of Walter Carrington into practice. The theme of the 2012 CYFI year is “Youth Engagement.”
The CYFI Board of Directors, in conjunction with the Public Affairs Section at the U.S. Consulate General, Lagos, selects fellows who demonstrate exceptional vision, skills and experience. Fellows are then grouped into teams based on interest, and teams then develop and implement their own Youth Engagement Project (YEP) over the course of the one-year fellowship duration. In addition to working with their team to bring their YEP into fruition, CYFI fellows have the opportunity to attend various networking events, roundtables and forums on relevant social issues, hosted by the U.S. Consulate General, Lagos. The year will conclude with an awards ceremony for fellows, where fellows will be inducted into the CYFI Alumni Program.
This year’s YEP projects promote public health, education, community mobilization and civil liberties.
CYFI welcomes contributions from companies, organizations, and individuals who are willing to assist. Please contact the CYFI Board with any inquiries.

Applications for the 2018 CYFI fellowship will be open from December 12-31, 2017. Click here to apply.
CYFI Blog: http://www.cyfinigeria.org/
Questions? Please email the CYFI Board at carringtonfellows@gmail.com
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