Visiting Professors: TWAS Research Professors in LDCs

TWAS Research Professors in LDCs
A number of TWAS Fellows will be offered appointments as TWAS Research Professors for a period of five years, during which he/she will be expected to visit the host institution in a LDC three times for a minimum stay of one month each time. TWAS provides travel support while living expenses are covered by the host centre. NB: Only TWAS Fellows are eligible for appointment. Requests need to be submitted by research groups/scientific institutions in LDCs.
31 October 2018
Partner Organizations
Hosting Countries
Eligible applicants
TWAS Members
Minimum degree held
min 1 month
Natural sciences
Age limit
Research Professors
The objective of the programme is to provide institutions and research groups located in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) with the opportunity to establish long-term links with TWAS members to assist in research activities and advanced training and so help develop the local scientific capacities needed.
Within the framework of the programme, a number of TWAS Members will be offered appointments as TWAS Research Professors in Least Developed Countries. The appointment will normally be for a period of five years, during which the TWAS Research Professor will be expected to visit the host institution three times for a minimum stay of one month each time. Both the TWAS Research Professor and the host institution will be expected to provide comprehensive reports on completion of each visit.
Economy class travel (round-trip) and any additional travel expenses incurred by the TWAS Research Professor will be provided by TWAS as well as an honorarium. The host institution will be expected to cover local expenses.
The TWAS Research Professor will be expected to interact closely with members of the host institution with the aim of strengthening its existing activities and/or assisting in the establishment of new lines of research. The TWAS Research Professor may also be requested to deliver a series of topical lectures and seminars to research students.
Institutions in Least Developed Countries wishing to be considered for this programme should fill in the relevant section of the request form. Information about the subject areas of current interest of the host institution should be provided and the name of the TWAS member who might be considered for the appointment.

  • Requests are accepted from research groups and scientific institutions in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) wishing to receive a TWAS member.
  • Blank forms can be obtained from the TWAS secretariat or downloaded via the link below, and must be completed in English.
  • The application form should be completed by the head of the host institution in a Least Developed Country and sent to the TWAS Secretariat.
  • Deadline for receipt of applications at TWAS Secretariat is 31 October of each year.
  • Applications should be sent to:
TWAS Research Professorships
ICTP Campus, Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste, Italy
Fax: +39 040 224559
  • This programme only provides support for visits of TWAS Members to Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
  • Requests need to be submitted by research groups/scientific institutions in LDCs.
  • Forms that are unsigned, incomplete, illegible or filled out in a language other than English cannot be considered.

Application doc(s): 


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