TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme

TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme
Postdoctoral researchers from sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa, can go on a ‘Cooperation Visit’ lasting three months to an institute in Germany.
Call to be opened in November 2018; new deadline: 14 February 2019
Partner Organizations
Hosting Countries
Eligible nationality
Sub-Saharan African countries
Minimum degree held
3 months
All academic fields
Age limit
The TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme provides postdoctoral researchers from sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa, with the opportunity to make a ‘Cooperation Visit’ to an institute in Germany of no more than 3 months.
Under this programme, researchers are assisted in making a ‘Cooperation Visit’ to an institute in Germany. Such visits will have a duration of no more than three (3) months and must be undertaken within 12 months of the award.
The aim of the visit is to discuss research collaboration with German scientists with the ultimate goal of developing longer-term collaboration, perhaps through other Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, or German Research Foundation) programmes. DFG will cover health insurance, travel expenses and provide subsistence costs for the stay in Germany. The administration and financial operation of TWAS is undertaken by UNESCO in accordance with an agreement signed by the two organizations.
Deadline: 14 February 2019.


  • Applicants must hold a PhD and must have obtained it not earlier than 2013;
  • Applicants must be nationals of a sub-Saharan African country, including South Africa, and hold a research position in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Applicants already on site in Germany are not eligible.
  • Successful applicants can only reapply once for another cooperation visit.
  • Women scientists are especially encouraged to apply.
  • All academic fields will be considered.


Submitting your application

Applicants must complete the online application form by clicking on the 'Apply now' button at the bottom of this page. While filling in the online application, applicants also need to upload the following documentation:
  • scanned copy of your passport, even if expired (page with your name and surname);
  • CV, maximum two pages including a list of 6 publications;
  • a recent invitation letter from a German host – on the host institution’s letterhead paper – which should contain the proposed time of the visit (up to 3 months) and should refer to the proposed cooperation. It should be made evident that the applicant and the proposed host have been in contact regarding the scientific work to be done during the visit and that the conditions for conducting the work have been agreed in terms of the timing of the visit and the facilities available. Eligible institutions in Germany are all universities, universities of applied sciences, institutes or member organizations of the Max Planck Society, Fraunhofer Society, Helmholtz Association or Leibniz Association. If in doubt, contact or alida.hoebener@dfg.deor The following links can help you find an academic partner for your research visit in Germany: gives you an overview of institutions with associated specific scientific research areas; allows a more detailed insight into German research institutions (you can select them by scientific area). If you want to find the right host for your research interest, we suggest to look up particular researchers active in your area of interest here where the DFG funded research projects of individual Professors are listed. We strongly recommend this tool, because DFG funds research in a competitive process and so you can see the exact scientific topic of individual researchers who have succeeded in a competitive selection process. Lastly, various useful information on German research as well as other aspects of your visit to Germany can be found here.
  • two reference letters from senior scientists familiar with your work. The letters need to be on headed paper and signed;
  • copy of the PhD certificate;
  • evidence of proficiency in either English or German;
  • supporting statement from the Head/Director of the applicant's home institute: it must confirm that the Head/Director is favourable to the application and that the applicant will be granted leave to take up the cooperation visit in Germany if awarded.


Other information

  • TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits do not include provisions for accompanying family members.
  • Applications for part-time visits will be considered ineligible.
  • Successful applicants must not take up other assignments during the period of their Cooperation Visits.
  • DFG shall be entitled to a repayment of all or part of any funds paid to an applicant hereunder, in the event that the applicant intentionally or negligently fails to fulfil any or all of the above conditions. The applicant agrees to pay any reasonable legal and/or collection costs incurred by DFG to obtain the repayment.

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